481 360


197 502


215 955


Размещено 14 апреля 2009

ушакова Татьяна Владимировна

по договоренности

business manager

ФИО: ушакова Татьяна Владимировна

Дата рождения: 14 августа 1973 (50 лет)

Пол: Женский

Семейное положение: Состою в браке, дети есть

Город проживания: Москва (показать на карте)





Bachelor of Liberal Arts received at Smith College, MA, USA (1991-1995), gpa 3.8

School No 367, Moscow, Russia – Diploma with Honors

Владение иностранными языками

Russian - fluent (mother tong)
English - fluent
Dutch - fluent

Опыт работы

Clifford Chance, Moscow as business development proposals manager (November 2008 - present, temporary 6 month consultant\\\'s contract).

ABN Amro (HQ Amsterdam, the Netherlands, period from November 1998 - June 2006), functions included:
Transaction Banking EMEA Solutions Desk Manager

Transaction Banking CEEMEA Business Manager

GTS InfoBase Manager (ABN Amro\'s internal knowledge system)

GTS Projects executive Testing and Acceptance Billing and GTS Procedures

Citibank, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Staff Member Processing Unit, Dutch BO (period October 1997 - October 1998)

IMG Holland, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Assistant Trader on AEX (period May 1997 - September 1997)

Economic Institute for SME (EIM), Zoetermeer, the Netherlands (period September 1996 - Apriol 1997): Staff member / Translator Russia Project

Профессиональные навыки и знания

International Cash Management, including back office, client proposals, business management, product management, projects management, internal systems management, procedures.

I am an economist, educated in the USA, have about 10 years of working experience in financial institutions (a.o. working capital).

Can also perform market research and analysis.

Комментарий к резюме

I am a disciplined self-starter as well as a team player. I am end-goal oriented, can work under pressure, know how to prioritise to make sure the multitude of tasks get done on the deadline (including managing others to meet the deadlines).

Even though the economic situation at the moment is not very favourable, however, I do believe that with my many-sided experience I am a very good candidate to be considered for a number of industries (business management is a transferable knowledge, principles of project management are also universal) and jobs.